Personal Information
Family name: Nasr
First names: Marlene ( born Abou Chdid )
Date of birth: Oct. 18 1946
Passport holder of: Lebanese
Institution (Date from – Date to) | Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained: |
Université de Paris IV-Sorbonne, France (Oct/1974 to oct/1978) | Doctorate in Sociology |
Université de Paris I – Institut des Etudes sur le Dévpt Econ. et Social (Oct /1974 to oct /1975) | Diplome d’Etudes Approfondies (DEA) in Sociology of Development |
Ecole Supérieure des Lettres – Beirut/Un. de Lyon. ( 1972- 1973) | 3eme annee Sociologie. + Maitrise |
Saint-Joseph University, USJ, Beirut (Oct/1964 to oct/1968) | Licence (BA) Public Law ( French BA & Arab BA ) |
Language skills: Indicate competence on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 – excellent; 5 – basic)
Language | Reading | Speaking | Writing |
Arabic | 1 | 1 | 1 |
English | 1 | 2 | 2 |
French | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Professional Positions:
– Researcher at Center for Arab Unity Studies. Beirut 1980 – 1982
– Professor of sociology. Institute of Social Studies- Lebanese University- I, 1983 – 1988
– Professor of sociology at Institute of Social Studies – Lebanese University- II , 2001 – 2010
– Fellow Researcher at AUC Political Science Dpt ( Cairo American University ) 1992 – 1998
– Director of the Social Training Center – Ministry of Social Affairs . Beirut. 2000 – 2004
– Professor of Political Science (chargée de cours M2) at Institut des Sciences Politiques . Université. St Joseph, Beirut. 2008 – 2012
– Director of Studies at Center for Arab Unity Studies – Beirut, 2011 – 2012
– Senior Researcher & Assistant Director at ACRPS (Arab Center for Research & Policy Studies) – Beirut Branch, since Feb. 2013 –à
Professional experience:
Date from Date to | Location | Company& reference person[1](name & contact details) | Position | Description |
Oct. 01 – 2010 | Beirut/Lebanon | Social Sciences Institute- Lebanese University .Director : Professor Georges SotiryTel.: 961 4415230 – 961 4 524733- 9614404285 | Professor | Training & conducting Research. Evaluating Education school curricula in Arab social systems studies & readings. Applied Research on:enterprise organisationworkers positionssituations related to the levels of technology in firms & organisations.Social Movement: Contribution of NGOs, public institutions and political parties to social movement and pressure groups in environment, women rights, domestic violence, handicapped rights, school teachers rights, displaced and missing people’s rights, farmers claimsStrategic analysis of workers’ systems of action inside organizations & firms, from a perspective of reform & conflict resolution.Sociology of education:socialising function of schools through curricula and student-teacher interactions in divided and heterogeneous societies. Studies and debates concerning controversial curricula such as Arab and national history, religion and civic education will be deconstructed to establish conflicting attitudes, representations and value systems.contribution of education to raising students awareness to citizenship and democracyrelation between content of education and student motivation to achievement. |
2009 | Beirut/Lebanon | Bahithat in partnership with the Association of Banks in LebanonFadia Hoteit Hoteit.fadiahotait@yahoo.com | Team Leader | Conception and design of field research related to financial behaviour of women bank customers in Lebanon and the contribution of Arab business women.Organisation of a workshop on Women and Money in Arab Counties with participation of researchers and activists from Egypt, Yemen, Sudan, Algeria, Morocco and Lebanon. Topics covered: financial behaviour of women, Economic situation of migrant women, Arab business women, Women Wealth and Money in Arts. |
Mar.08- May 09 | Lebanon & Arab countries (Morocco, Algeria, Egypt, Sudan ) | Bahithat (Lebanese Association for Women Researchers) with Lebanon Banks Association & International Centre for Education (Cairo) Fadia Hoteit Hoteit.fadiahotait@yahoo.com | Coordinator | Research: Designing, fundraising, organising & executing, with a team of 3 members. Survey (field research), regional workshop (hosting researchers & activists of 7 Arab countries), annual Book (publishing 12 field research conducted in 7 Arab countries) on “Financial Behaviour of Women in the Arab World” |
Jan.-Aug. 08 | 3 MENA countries: (Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon) | United Nations Development Program (UNDP) – Regional Bureau for Arab States (RBAS) Director: Adel Abdellatif adel.abdellatif@undp.org | Member of the Core Team of the Arab Human Development Report 2009 | Research: Gender Specialist: contributed as a researcher in designing, implementing & evaluating the gender dimension in the Arab Human Development Report of 2009: “Challenges to Human Security in the Arab Countries”,especially the human security of vulnerable groups (women, children & refugees- displaced persons in the Arab World) & the social policies proposed to improve their conditions |
2008-present | Lebanon | Small Producers’ MarketJacqueline JreissatyJlal.attormos@gmail.com | Delegate for organic producers of fruits, vegetables & manufactured products | Organisation of the Committee of the Producers’ Market; Definition and formulation of the demands of the producers of organic fruits, vegetables and manufactured products to improve the organisation and the performance of the market. |
2006 | Beirut/Lebanon | Lebanese UniversityAzza Charara Baydounazzabaydoun@gmail.com | Researcher and reform policy advisor | How to introduce a gender perspective in the University programmes in Social Sciences: Sociology of organisation and labour and Sociology of Education |
Jan.01 March 04 | Beirut/Lebanon | General Director Neemat Kanaan of Ministry of Social Affairs in Lebanon, Tel : MoSA: 961 1 61285001981403 ext 1847 | Director of the Social Training Centre of the ministry of social affairs Lebanon | Social Policy Institutions & their Management: Implementing strategic planning, annual work plan, partnership with local NGO’s, teamwork within govt institution dealing with social services & development. Training programs: conception & evaluation in partnership with civil servants of Ministry of Social Affairs (MoSA), specialized NGO’s & social workers in MoSA regional Centers. Design, Management, and Evaluation of training programs for social workers in Centres attached to Min. of Social Affairs and for active Lebanese NGOs, in coordination with MoSA Civil Servants and in partnership with specialized NGOs and UN related Agencies. Training Programs implemented:Decentralisation, social organisation and management and team work in the Centres for Social Services and Development (CSSD) of MoSACapacity building of specialised educators of civil centres for handicapped childrenTraining young directors & animators of social development camps in rural areasCapacity building of social workers in charge of supervising orphanages assisted by MoSATraining of trainers for NGOsCapacity building of day care personnel in CSSDsCapacity building of MoSA social workers to detect and address family violence against women and children, in the local areas of CSSDCapacity building of civil servants of the Ministry for Social Affairs in the Republic of Yemen, for social intervention with groups and communities |
Jun.04 Jul. 07 | Jordan | Byblos International Centre for Human Sciences-UNESCO. Theodor Hanf hanf@politik.uni-freiburg.de | Chief of project | Field Research with Jordanian policy makers, civil servants & researchers in Education, to evaluate policies & school curriculum in Jordan, with regard of human rights & democracy (see related publication). |
Jan.90- jan.98 | Egypt | American University of Cairo – Department of Political Sciences | Fellow researcher | Designed, executed & published 3 researches on bias & stereotypes in inter- ethnic representations, on Arab political rhetoric in Islamist Discourse of Egyptian, Palestinian & Lebanese religious leaders (see related publications). |
Oct.83- nov.88 | Lebanon | Institute for Social Sciences | Ass. professor of Sociology | Teaching & conducting research in sociology of culture , (see publications) |
Jan. 82- Oct. 82 | Lebanon | Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) | Professional P4 | Women programme, Social Division. Assessing women economic contribution in agriculture for Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Yemen. |
Jan.80-jun.81 & jan.83- jun. 86 | Beirut/Lebanon | Centre for Arab Studies | Research associate | Design, team building, research project evaluation & execution on Arab education, political discourse and national identity (see publications). |
Oct. 70-June 74 | Beirut/Lebanon | Nabaa Social Centre for Illiteracy and Social Rights Awareness | Social Worker | Conception of literacy programmes for adults (men and women) working in local factories.Awareness-raising on Labour Rights and Labour Laws. |
Membership of professional bodies:
- Member of the Core Team of the Arab Human Development Report 2009, on Human Security. Gender specialist for Vulnerable Groups. United Nations Development Program (UNDP) – Regional Bureau for Arab States (RBAS)
- Associate researcher in Laboratoire de Lexicologie Politique, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Saint-Cloud (France)
- Foreign correspondant of the revue Mots (discourse analysis & lexicology). Published by Laboratoire de Lexicologie Politique de St.Cloud et Fondation Nationale de Science Politique (Paris)
- Member of editorial committee of International Sociology, (Rome)
- Founding member of the Lebanese Association for Women Researchers , Bahithât
- Member of the Arab Sociological Association & the Lebanese Association for Sociology
المنشورات حتى 2019
الكتب :
- المنحى الفرقي sectarian في مقاربة الفاعلين في ثورات ونزاعات المشرق العربي – حالة مركز كارنجي للشرق الأوسط (دراسة في علم إجتماع المعرفة) . بيروت، المركز العربي للأبحاث ودراسة السياسات ، قيد الإصدار 2019 .
- مناهج وتقنيات تحليل الخطاب في العلوم الاجتماعية العربية . ( قيد الاعداد) 2022
- الديمقراطية والإسلام في الخطاب التربيوي المدرسي في الأردن (2000 – 2014) ( قيد الاعداد) , 2020
– Islam et Democratie dans le discours éducationnel jordanien. Paris, Karthala, 2007.
– Les Arabes et l’Islam vus par les manuels scolaires francais . Paris, Karthala, 2001 .
– صورة العرب والإسلام في الكتب المدرسية الفرنسية. بيروت، مركز دراسات الوحدة العربية، 1995
– “الغرباء” في خطاب لبنانيين عن الحرب الأهلية . لندن، دار الساقي، بحوث اجتماعية 20، 1996
– التصور القومي العربي في خطاب جمال عبد الناصر، 1952-1970 (دراسة في علم المفردات والدلالة) بيروت: مركز دراسات الوحدة العربية، 1983.
– عمل المرأة في الزراعة في المشرق العربي 1960 – 1980. دراسة مقدمة لبرنامج المرأة – القسم الاجتماعي في منظمة الاسكوا – بيروت 1982.
تصميم- تصويب- تحرير علمي ومقدمة Co-edition:
– تحدّيات أمن الإنسان في الدول العربية. عضو في الفريق المركزي core team) ) التقرير العربي للتنمية الإنسانية، صندوق الأمم المتحدة للتنمية (UNDP) 2009 .
- النساء والمال في لبنان والعالم العربي. “باحثات” الكتاب السنوي الثالث عشر، 2008- 2009 (+ تصميم الدراسة المحورية و تنظيم ورشة العمل)
- مسارات الحب بين المتخيّل والمعاش . “باحثات” الكتاب السنوي الثامن، 2003
– الباحث/ ة والبحث العلمي في لبنان والعالم العربي. “باحثات” الكتاب السنوي الثالث، 1997
إشتراك في كتب جماعية :Livres collectifs
- ” حاكمية الجامعة اليسوعية في لبنان . بحث توثيقي وميداني”( 60 ص.) في مشروع حاكمية governance التعليم العالي في العالم العربي. الحالة اللبنانية. بالمشاركة مع فريق عمل بإدارة عدنان الأمين، ومشاركة علي موسوي، ساري حنفي، بسّام سكرية، و عارف الصوفي. قيد النشر ، 2010-2012
- “دينامية التنشئة السياسية في الخطاب التربوي الأردني”، في كتاب صادر عن مؤتمر الكتاب المدرسي، دوره، مضمونه، جودته. (12 13 تشرين الثاني
2005). تحرير فوزي أيوب، الهيئة اللبنانية للعلوم التربوية،2007.
– “تصور الوطنية والمواطنة في كتب القراءة العربية”، في كتاب المواطنية في لبنان بين الرجل و المرأة (Gender & Citizenship). بيروت، دار الجديد ،
-“Gender Approach of Patriotism & Citizenship in Arab Reading Textbooks”, in Citizenship in Lebanon between men & women (Arabic) . Edited by N. Hamadeh , J. Mokdesi & S. Joseph. Beirut, Dar el Jadid, 2001.
– “Vocabulaire national et Islam dans les discours de Hassan el Banna et G.Abdel Nasser” in Les Mots de la Nation. Sous la direction de S. Rémi-Giraud et P. Rhétat., Presses Universitaires de Lyon, 1996.
– “L’image des Arabes dans les manuels de lecture du primaire”, in La Place du Monde Arabe dans la vie culturelle en France. Paris, Institut du Monde Arabe & Ministère de L’Education Nationale, 1989
– “L’Idéologie nationale arabe dans le discours nassérien”, in Dominique Chevallier (directeur), Renouvellements du Monde Arabe. 1952 -1980. Paris, Armand Colin, 1987.
– “Le Travail agricole féminin dans les pays du Mashreq Arabe” in The Integration of Arab Women in Economic Development. Beyrouth, Institute for Women Studies in the Arab World, 1986
- مقالات محكّمة : Articles
“La Rhétorique du refus islamiste de l’Accord Gaza-Ariha (Oslo) – Hamas, Hizbollah & Ikhwan Muslimun” in la revue MOTS, (FNSP et Lab. Lexicologie Politique de l’ENS de St. Cloud) no 50, mars 1997.
– ” تحليل المضمون (Content Analysis) في الابحاث الإجتماعية العربية. صعوبة تطبيق تقنية مستوردة”. باحثات، العدد الثالث، 1997.
– “القومية والإسلام في خطاب حسن البنا وعبد الناصر”، المستقبل العربي.
– “L’image des Arabes dans les manuels de lecture du primaire”, in MOTS
(Paris), no 19, Mars 1990.
– “Al-gharib dans le discours libanais sur la guerre civile” in MOTS, no 17, 1988.
– “القومية والدين في الخطاب الناصري”، المستقبل العربي، شباط 1981، عدد 24.
-“La Umma (nation) dans le discours nassérien, MOTS, no 2, Mars 1981.
– “Morphologie sociale de la Banlieue – Est de Beyrouth”, in Maghreb-Mashreq (Paris), no 73, Sept. 1976.
-“Vocabulaire national et islam dans le discours de Hasan el Banna et de Gamal Abdel Nasser” in Les mots de la nation. Edited by S. Remi-Giraud et P. Rhétat. Presses Universitaires de Lyon, 1996
“L’image des arabes dans les manuels de lecture du primaire” in Le Monde Arabe dans la vie intellectuelle et culturelle en France. Paris, Institut du Monde Arabe & Ministère de l’Education Nationale, 1989.
“Le travail agricole féminin dans les régions rurales du Mashreq arabe” in Women and Economic Development in the Arab World. Edited by J. Abu Nasr and I. Lorfing. Beirut, Institute for Women’s Studies in the Arab World (IWSAW), 1988
Articles in Social Sciences Periodicals ( articles related to the subjects mentioned above, published in 6 Arab & French periodicals (1975- 2014)) :
1 in Revue Maghreb-Mashreq (Paris)
4 in Revue MOTS – Analyses du Discours Arabe en Sciences Sociales (Paris,Laboratoire de Lexicologie Politique de l’ Ecole Normale Sup.de St Cloud)
5 in Al-Mostaqbal al Arabi (Beirut) CAUS
2 in Al Wahda (Maroc)
1 in Tabayyun – ACRPS ( Doha-Beirut)
2 in Bahithat – LAWR (Beirut)